I am currently going through a difficult time in my life. Because of this (which I'm sure I will blog about at a later time) I decided to challenge myself with something new. Like any normal girl I have watched my fair share of chick flicks. One of my all time favorite movies is Julie & Julia where Julie cooks through Julia Child's cookbook in one year. It's such a cute & clean (yay!) movie. Julie learns a lot about herself with the challenge, gains a deeper sense of thankfulness esp for her husband, and develops her cooking skills. All this to say, I would enjoy such a challenge. I received two pioneer women cookbooks from my sister for Christmas 2012. They are extra special with handwritten notes & pictures in each book :) I've used them several times however, I think it's time to really break them in. Thus my challenge: Two Poineer Woman Cookbooks (171 recipes) in 6 months (181 days). Maybe I too will gain some thankfulness, inspiration & much needed cooking skills! (I most definitely will be gaining too if you know what I mean) ;) I desire for this to help me continue the joy of cooking for my family instead of wishing mcdonalds would deliver (sad, I know). With the joy of The Lord as my strength I want to take on this difficult season with my eyes focused on Gods goodness always thankful for the blessings, even the hard ones. To be complelty honest there are a few recipes I'm scared to attempt or scared because I don't like it but alas I will not give in to the fear! It may take me several attempts but I will complete each recipe successfully!
Start Date: February 11th 2014
End Date: August 11th 2014
Recipe #1
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